
1. Why Assessments?

Planetarium International School (PISM) see Assessment as central to delivering a high quality education. Assessment allows teachers, the school and students themselves to evaluate, recognise and grade student achievements and progress, and allows teachers to evaluate and adapt their teaching and measure how successfully they are delivering the curriculum.

Effective assessment enables students to make smooth progress through school. PISM, use assessment to adapt our curriculum around the needs, capabilities and aspirations of our students, to fulfil the objectives of the subjects and to plan and strengthen learning.

A student will be assessed throughout the year, both formally and informally. All student work is marked at PISM and guidance is given to each student on strengths and areas for development.

2. Types Of Assessments At
Planetarium International School

End Of Semester Assessments Students at Planetarium International school take a summative assessment at the end of every Semester of Learning in all subjects. Students sit for these unaided school assessments which gauge if students have met the learning objectives for that Semester Unit of Learning.

End of Year Exam

– Students in Years 1 – 10 take standardized assessments in English, Maths & Science

– Students in Years 1 – 10 take school devised assessments in other subjects.

3. International Schools'
Assessment - Future Plan

PISM plans to administer the International Schools’ Assessment to students in Elementary Grade 3-6 and Secondary Year 7-9. This assessment is designed and scored by the Australian Council of Educational Research and is aligned with internationally endorsed reading and mathematical literacy frameworks developed by the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA). The International Schools’ Assessment contains a broad cultural base and measures student performance in the domains of mathematical literacy, reading, narrative writing, and expository/persuasive writing.

PISM intends to use this data (in aggregate form) to evaluate programme effectiveness and in relation to objective evidence of student performance. The results of this assessment will enable the school to draw approximate comparisons between the PISM student performance with students from schools throughout the world. PISM intends to use this data to identify trends in order to evaluate our curriculum and our educational programme.

4. Reporting Schedule

Reporting to Parents & Students:

There are three sets of reports each year:
– End of Term 1 Report
– End of Term 2 Report
– End of Year Report (Term 3)

Teachers at PISM school share and discuss the Assessments results with students individually.

Parents are informed of Assessment results via Teachers/Schools Reports at formal Parent-Teacher conference at Planetarium International school. At the end of semester, the School provides parents their child’s level of attainment in each subject in the End of Term Report.